Travis Strikes Again Coffee and Doughnuts Code Not Working


If you picked up Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes and are looking to requite those bugs a sound thrashing, we've got some tips to get you on the right rail. It'southward not the nearly circuitous game, but information technology's easy to get stuck in a oestrus and forget the variety of options at your disposal to approach each come across. As well as general pointers (hint: dodge a lot), we've included an overview of every boss you'll face up. Beware though - the real strength of Travis Strikes Again come from the little surprises it throws up, and naturally there are spoilers below. You lot've been warned!

General tips

  • Continue an eye on that beam sword charge. It becomes more powerful the longer y'all go without taking a hit, only every swing depletes the energy bar. Recharging is simple; click in the left stick and waggle the right Joy-Con.
  • Remember that using the toilets non only saves your game but besides magically replenishes your wellness (magic indeed, judging from Travis' wiping regimen).
  • Remember to level upwards from the pause carte du jour to increase your set on damage – y'all earn XP with every enemy you defeat. Experiment with unlike skills, likewise. We found the Wing Scrap's electrical shock and quick dash of the 00 Chip invaluable, but there are loads to choose from. Find something that suits your playstyle.
  • Recall carefully nigh the enemies attacking you lot. Prioritise anything that fires projectiles, then concentrate on melee. It'south usually best to clear the oversupply before taking on the tanks.
  • Effort to line upwards charge attacks (hitting 'R' when charged and waggling the right Joy-Con) to take down as many enemies equally possible. They're powerful and it's a shame to waste them on one lowly grub while the opposite side of the screen is teeming with baddies.
  • Ramen Shops are hard to miss, then exist sure to visit Bugjirou the ramen guy for a health and free energy top-up.

Boss Guide

1. Electric Thunder Tiger II

Mid Boss – Sheepman Red

Immediately later the third toilet you'll run into an open space and meet the outset midboss. Sheepman Red charges at y'all and charges himself with electricity, only isn't hugely challenging (none of the Sheepmen are). If you've ignored the contrivance push until now, this is an opportunity to get acquainted with information technology. Continue swinging and dodging and call back to use the skills you've picked up (the Shining Scrap and the Psycho Chip).

Dominate – Electro Triple Star

Electro Triple Star

Travis' video game hero, Electro Triple Star charges an easily avoidable laser beam, summons bolts of electricity that glow as circles on the basis before striking and fires balls of electricity that radiate out from his position. In phase ii he activates four lights around the loonshit which must be destroyed as enemies spawn. A glowing strip on the floor signals an incoming attack – jump away to avoid a daze. Once the iv lights are gone, simply pummel him as much as possible, avoiding the occasional pulse wave he emits. Defeating Electro Triple Star will net you the Wing Chip. Equip information technology immediately – it's powerful lightning attack volition come in handy.

Electro Triple Star

2. Life Is Destroy

Mid Dominate – Sheepman Dark-green

Sheepman Green throws 3 green projectiles that are relatively easy to avoid and engages in some teleportation shenanigans. Just sentinel his patterns and learn to dodge – you'll presently have him licked.

Boss – Doppelganger Patrick Granada Jr


Murderous tendencies aside, Doppelganger is a flake of a pushover. Equally long as you've mastered the dodge, y'all shouldn't have too much trouble.

  • Phase 1. Only dodge the occasional projectile and watch out for his teleport.
  • Phase 2. He and so duplicates himself around the street – hit the fakes to reveal the true Doppelganger(!) earlier the timer reaches zero. He'll spawn giant spinning playing cards and floating purple guns that fire at you.
  • Stage 3. Similar to phase 2, though with more projectiles.

That'southward it. Cease him and you'll pick be gifted a new skill fleck.


3. Coffee & Doughnuts

Mid Boss – Sheepman Purple

In room 305. Like to his fellow Sheepmen, he's not fantastically challenging. This i launches homing missiles and spinning blades which hang mid-air for a while, but again, as long as yous've got your dodging skills down, he shouldn't prove too much trouble.

Boss – Brian Buster Jr.

Brian Buster Jr.

Brian'due south got some decent punches and fires green free energy balls at you lot, merely liberal dodging should keep yous clear of the worst of it (we institute the 00 Chip very useful for getting out of the way). Once he'southward down to his last quarter of health some laser optics activate on the statue behind him and pelting down explosive pain on half of the stage, and then be sure to scarper when the red circles appear on the ground. One time Brian is out of his wooden mechsuit, a few generous strikes from the beamsword should sort him out and bag you the Strike Freedom Flake.

Brian Buster Jr.

4. Aureate Dragon GP

Mid Boss – Sheepman Yellowish

This one throws fire and releases a shockwave yous must bound to avoid. Otherwise he's the same fodder equally normal.

Dominate – Smoking Male monarch

Smoking King

After beating him in the drag race, you'll face up Smoking King in an arena. He's got an earthquake-like move that radiates out in bursts, so make certain yous jump clear beforehand. He also shoots out powerful fireballs. Get his wellness bar downwards to the cherry and he'll kickoff releasing projectiles that fan out and doing flaming butt-slams that quake the unabridged arena – time your jumps to avoid them. Go along at him and you'll go the Physalis Fleck for your troubles.

Smoking King

5. Killer Marathon

Boss - Mothership


Well, if you count the Mothership as a boss then, yeah, in that location's a dominate. Simply get below the mothership and fire at the core. Hitting 'Y' releases a 360° explosion of bullets, then employ that if you're surrounded past missiles.

six. Serious Moonlight/Damned Dark Knight

Mid Boss - Sheepman Pink

This one summons hexes that shoot energy balls at you – pinkish ones. Simple enough to dodge, this sheep is every bit elementary equally all the others and should cause you lot few problems at this tardily stage.

Dominate – Eight Hearts

Eight Hearts

Eight Hearts spins into a tornado that tracks afterwards you pretty sharpish, and so y'all'll have to exist nimble. Just go along moving and bargain with the skulls he summons quickly. Banishing him gets you lot the Crossbone Fleck.

vii. CIA

Mid Boss

There'due south no traditional midboss, although you'll see Sheepmen on your travels. In general, thin the horde before engaging them one-on-one.

Dominate – White Sheepman

White Sheepman has a range of attacks to avoid, including a blackhole-style move that sucks yous in, diverse homing projectiles, shockwaves to jump over and the power to cause damage by igniting squares on the floor. The strategy is the same as always – keep moving and use that quick dash to become out of the way sharpish. If you lot're low on wellness, equip the Five Bit and wait until she moves to the centre and starts her shockwave attack – you lot'll be able to stay in one spot arresting health while jumping to avoid the waves. She'south got one seemingly unavoidable attack – a summoned ball of light that emanates across the entire loonshit – then y'all'll want at least one life in the bank. One time finished, you'll become the Dendrobium Chip.

White Sheepman


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