Cat Vomited Medication

  • #i


Jul 20, 2015

My female cat has a bladder infection with a possible partial blockage and possible kidney stones. The vet prescribed her liquid amoxicillin/clauvulanic acid (Clavamox) one ml twice daily until it is all used upwardly. She threw up her first dose within 15-20 minutes of me giving it to her. The vet assumes the infection is very bad based on the preliminary findings in the cat's urine/bloodworm that the vet could process in her office, simply other samples were sent out to a lab and the vet won't know the full results/exactly how bad the infection is until the UA results get dorsum from the lab; they are grown as a culture so the vet said this could take seven-ten days after the lab receives the sample in the mail which could have another two-3 days for aircraft. The vet said her unrine/blood work showed her white claret cells were very actively fighting infection, that her urine smelled much more of ammonia than information technology should, and that she may take a fractional blockage; therefore the vet said it was very important that I outset the medicine right abroad. The cat has already threw up her outset dose and I won't be able to go ahold of my vet u tip at least later the true cat's third dose of medicine. The cat has an abnormally sensitive tum and an abnormally stiff gag reflex so I expect she will throw up the side by side two doses as well but I pray she doesn't since it'southward then of import for her to become the medicine started immediately. She was treated for an causeless UTI with a shot of antibiotics that lasted for 10 days less than a month agone, but the infection never cleared upwardly and has gotten worse over the by week. My poor Mynx is going to the litter box many, many times and she simply manages to pee maybe a third of the time she attempts to and she is ofttimes unable to make it to the litter box earlier she urinates (when she can) and dribbles all the way there then attempts to go again in the litter box like she isn't fifty-fifty aware she already went. She sometimes meows very loudly when she's straining to go. I feel so badly for her. Information technology has gotten much worse very chop-chop. She's not very old either so her kidneys shouldn't be declining or anything related to old age. Since she threw up the one dose so soon after I gave it to her should I requite her another dose or wait until I contact the vet (I won't exist able to contact the vet until the third or fourth dose she should take gotten). The medicine is a liquid and so I know it will absorb faster than a tablet, but is 15-20 minutes long enough for information technology to absorb or did it all most likely come up when she vomited? If some got captivated merely not all, is this medicine too stiff to give another dose immediately? Or would it be condom to requite her another dose even if a footling got absorbed? Should I give her another dose or wait until I can contact the vet?

  • #2


Expect until y'all speak to the vet. It's highly unlikely that she


emptied her stomach, and overdosing can do a lot of harm. Call your vet as soon as they open and explain what'due south going on. It sounds like your girl may need an anti-emetic to help her go along the meds downwardly, so that'southward definitely something y'all can ask about. Also, call up that most antibiotics can crusade nausea if given on an empty stomach, so make sure she has something gentle to eat commencement (unless, of grade, you've specifically been told otherwise ;) ). You could also enquire nearly some pain meds for her too, equally it sounds like she'southward in a lot of pain right at present :(

I really hope she feels improve soon :cross::vibes:

  • #3



Artie, my Angel; a part of my eye

Top Cat

Dec 22, 2014
near Boston

@Columbine   is correct. I would await until you lot contact your Vet for instructions.

In that location take been a couple of times when Artie will vomit afterwards giving him his medications. I have contacted the Vet. Their communication was not to double dose him, because you do not know how much was absorbed before the vomiting...

Delight bank check with the Vet....

Good Luck.

  • #iv


Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area

I agree well-nigh talking to the vet before y'all give your cat more medicine.  Also it is a good thought to permit the vet know about the vomiting anyway.  The vet may desire to give you something to assistance with the nausea or may make up one's mind to attempt a different antibiotic completely.

  • #5
Sep 18, 2016

I agree with what others have said. It'due south best to talk to the vet as soon as possible and enquire for instructions from them. 1 thing I would inquire nigh is an antibiotic injection. My vet has given it to our outdoor (quondam feral) cats when they get an infection. I believe the injection is effective for two weeks. It doesn't work for every kind of infection, but it's worth asking about.


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