What Business Does the Von Trapp Family Run Now

Revisiting 'The Audio of Music's' Existent Von Trapps, Who Run a Vermont Lodge, Brewery

Revisiting the famous family on whom "The Sound of Music" was based.

The family began farming the fields when they weren't traveling the state past motorbus. "My father died in 1948," von Trapp said. "My mother realized that we weren't going to back up a family unit of 10 children by farming. So we began taking guests."

"Nosotros're recreating the kind of beer that y'all arrive a small-scale boondocks in Austria or in Germany when you're driving through and you have luncheon at the local inn and y'all have a beer with your luncheon and information technology tastes bully," Johannes said. "You don't take a headache subsequently, you lot don't fall comatose. It's something that's basically not available in this land."

Johannes, who was born in Philadelphia, was the first von Trapp child of Maria and Georg's brood to be built-in in the United states of america. When the von Trapps came to the U.S. in 1938, Johannes said his mother, Maria, didn't speak English, but his father did, and the whole family unit was excited to have a fresh start here.

"In my family unit we didn't really spend much time talking about the past," Johannes said. "We tended to talk about the future and what are we going to practice here and there, but there was relatively little talk about the one-time days."

Even afterward they bought a subcontract and settled in Vermont, the von Trapps continued touring the world for years, giving concerts everywhere from palaces to village monasteries.

Looking back on "The Audio of Music," Johannes said he doesn't see the flick every bit a history of his family, but acknowledges that the von Trapp story exudes universal themes virtually "Love of country, love of a man and a woman, love of music, faith in arduousness, religion for what's going to happen in the future."

"I'm frequently asked why the 'Sound of Music ' was and so successful, and I recall if I view information technology equally a history of my family, there's room for some criticism there," he said. "[Simply] it wasn't meant to be a history of my family and the film has had such a positive effect on so many people. … To be critical of something that'south been such a potent, positive gene would really be childish."

In the moving-picture show, Maria is shown every bit a head-strong woman, full of gamble, as she finds her manner. The real Maria, Johannes said, was just 22 when she married Georg and was a force to be reckoned with.

"She could be very enervating, just she was also very generous," he said of his mother. "Actually everything she did was sort of larger than life. All her qualities were exaggerated. She ate very quickly. She walked very chop-chop. She read speedily and widely. Information technology was sometimes kind of tough to continue up with her."

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Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/revisiting-sound-musics-real-von-trapps-run-vermont/story?id=29674261

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